Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mentor's Wanted!

The Somali Mentorship Project is one of a series of collaborative initiatives being spearheaded by the Canadian International Peace Project. This project is intended to aid in creating a successful cadre of Canadian Somali professionals, who can then assume greater leadership roles to assist with the development of their own community and contribute to Canadian society at large.

What is Mentoring?

Mentorship refers to a developmental relationship between a more experience elder and a less experienced individual, referred to as a mentee or protégé. With regards to our project, the elder, due to experience can guide and counsel the individual or mentee in terms of growth professionally and perhaps, personally as well. Mentorship is a two-way process, where both participants can benefit.

Potential Benefits for Mentors:

The CIPP is seeking mentors from the Greater Toronto professional community to participate in an innovative mentorship project, between the local Professionals and the Somali Community. Mentors will assist Canadian Somali university/college students and young professional to pursue their professions. Benefits include;
•Personal satisfaction and reward gained from helping another person
•Opportunity to share professional and educational experiences
•Higher profile for your company, industry or community
•Assisting the integration of Canada’s largest African diasporas community

Making time for Mentorship:

Mentoring requires time, effort and participation from both parties involved,
Your assistance will aid in ensuring successful, confident Canadian-Somali youth, resulting in a stronger Canadian Somali community and Canadian society at large.

If you have any questions or are interested in participating please email us at or call(416)384-0123.

Thank you,

The Canadian International Peace Project Team

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